Today we will talk about LinkedIn and its potential oriented to companies, we have the opportunity to start the year by making a great recommendation to our readers to get the best out of their social network for companies.
LinkedIn, the best social network for companies, is oriented to the world of business, professionals, and jobs. There are more than 30 million companies that use this social network of contacts to their benefit. With over 690 million members, an ever-increasing number, it’s the perfect marketing tool for networking, connecting, and selling.
In a society accustomed to digitization and social networks, this medium is the perfect place to generate B2B relationships.
As a professional social network, it allows us to connect between people, in such a way that when one sends an invitation and it is accepted, one automatically has access to the contacts of said professional.
This is very important because you can explore all the related information such as in which sectors, functional areas, companies and even what positions they hold, the contacts of those you know who you have invited to be part of your network.
The function of your first level of relationship is to open doors on the second level, which we call the level of opportunities. Therefore, invite everyone you know to connect, due to the fact that this is their essential value, whether or not they work in your areas of interest.
The goal of this platform is not the accumulation of contacts, but to create new relationships that bring you closer to your professional goals, be they employment or business. The creation of “flesh and blood” relationships, not just virtual ones, is one of the keys that make the difference between good use and bad use of LinkedIn.
What better showcase than one where more than 600 million people can pass. As if it were a great avenue, LinkedIn allows users to see the content posted by their users. This is a great opportunity to get the best out of us and to be able to show the world that magnificent thing that we offer from our companies.
The platform allows you to make different posts and incorporate images into them, bring out your most creative side and recommend what you do to your followers.
You can also count on paid advertising, which through an optimal strategy you can reach very specific customer profiles and thus take advantage of LinkedIn as a recruitment tool with LinkedIn Ads. We recommend you access here to make a customized marketing strategy to increase your results. (link to contact)
A perfect way to empower and get the best out of LinkedIn for your company is to create quality content. As happens on the Internet, there is a lot of information, so it is very important to give that added value and somehow create content that makes your contacts interact. This way you will not only get them to connect with you, but also to be loyal followers of your publications. Making the interaction part of the daily life of your profile and thus strengthening social ties.
From the main page, users can see the updates of the company pages they follow, there they can recommend, comment, or send the publication you have published.
It is important to be aware of the comments since it can be the first contact that the potential client may have, so it is advisable to answer any questions that may arise or thank the interactions with the publication.
Do not forget that the people behind the profiles expose their work achievements and both attitudes and aptitudes for the work they perform, what better way to know how they do it than by connecting with them and seeing their detailed profile, where the companies will appear where they have worked, studies or other data of great importance to see if the person can fit in the position they intend to fill.
If LinkedIn has something, it is how specific a contact profile can be, therefore we can obtain a very specific segmentation, it is not something complicated, Taking into account that from our profile we can verify all the data referring to visits, we can make a idea of what audience we are reaching and if this is the one we want.
We can also observe other data such as how many people have interacted compared to the previous month or how many users are unique visitors.
Now that you know some tips to improve your LinkedIn and increase the benefits of your business, you will see that it is not an easy task to do them correctly. If these tips do not achieve your goal, it is best to put yourself in the hands of professionals who have proven experience in the sector.