8 SEO Trends In 2022

If you want to face the coming year knowing all the aspects to consider in terms of positioning for your website in this next 2022, you cannot miss these 8 SEO trends that we will tell you about. Are you ready? Let’s go there!

SEO Trends 2022

AI: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has radically changed the way people interact with the searches they perform and how the results of those searches are delivered. Google’s RankBrain algorithm is evolving to offer better results pages (SERPs).

In this case, this already known trend is continually changing to evolve and be a pivotal factor to consider. Ultimately, the evolution of this algorithm will affect search results and could determine the positioning of a website. So stay tuned for their updates! Because, although not much is known about its operation, it is known that the clicks and the time that users are on a web page will be factors to consider.

Core Web Vitals and User Experience

User experience is a trend that you should consider from other years, but in 2022, it will continue to be an essential factor in an SEO audit. Still not measuring your Core Web Vitals? These parameters measure the quality of a website and can help you know its status. We summarize what parameters they are so that you can learn a little more about them:

  • LCP [larger content image]: Perceived loading speed.
  • FID [First Input Delay]: User time to click an element and its reaction.
  • CLS [Visual Stability]: Visible changes to page layout while loading.

Evolution of voice searches

It is estimated that half of today’s searches are carried out through voice searches. Google, Siri, and Alexa have become easier means of voice searches to find information about nearby businesses or purchases. This evolution is expected to continue to increase.

In addition, voice searches prioritize featured snippets as they are elements that can be read directly without the need to offer a list of results where they can find the answer to the question asked. How can you optimize your voice searches? Simple, you have to start creating content that can answer more specific questions and organize your content around a dynamic of questions and answers.

Video as star content

Without a doubt, the video format is growing thanks to well-known platforms such as YouTube or the recent rise of TikTok exponentially. This confirms the need to focus in 2022 on increasing the video content you offer to your users and exploring new platforms to display your content. If you are looking to attract new users, platforms like TikTok could help you since it is not only dances you can find; there are thousands of specialized content on specific topics.

Also, as we already know (and if you don’t know, we’ll tell you), one of the most relevant search engines is YouTube. In addition, enhancing your content with explanatory videos will help increase your users’ time on your website. Haven’t you started working on these two platforms yet?

SEO Trends: The increasingly strict link building

Undoubtedly, link building is a part to consider in any positioning strategy, and we already know that one cannot just start making links. The most common today is to exchange links, but Google is becoming an expert in detecting these exchanges, and without a doubt, in 2022, you will have to be more careful with this type of practice. The same applies to buying links.

Google will reward organic links and punish non-organic links that it can detect as exchange or pay. So if you are a regular in these practices, it is time to start thinking about changing your link strategy.

Featured Snippets and Rich SERPs

We already know that Google is a fan of offering users information about their searches without entering any website to find them, simply by showing featured snippets. This can be detrimental as it prevents the user from entering the website if they don’t want more information than a few lines.

But the truth is that this can also benefit you, giving you a “0” position where your extract can appear above others even though your page is not the first search result. Conclusion? Continue promoting the “question and answer” content to qualify for that “0” position.

local SEO

We have already talked about this on our blog on several occasions, and local SEO must be promoted. Although it is a well-known and repetitive trend, local SEO deserves to be on this list of SEO trends.

There are more and more situations where users are looking for products or services that are close to them, which is reflected in their search terms. With this, Google is also improving the results for geographic locations. If you don’t have a Google My Business listing yet, it’s time to create one!

Value content with more significant extension and under the principle of EAT

There is no doubt that the quality of the content is essential, but we must also consider whenever it is possible to expand the content to the maximum. Longer content that answers different questions a user might have on the same topic and is helpful to them is more likely to be shared.

For this, a good structure is essential, creating different sections of the article using H2 and H3 for a better organization. It is a long but easy-to-read content where the user can focus on the central question they want to solve.

Regarding EAT, it is a concept you should already know, and if you do not know it, we will explain it to you. It is a factor that Google uses to measure the experience, trust, and authority content has. Google wants valuable content created by people who understand and can resolve the user’s doubts who performs the search in the best possible way. So it’s time for you in 2022 to start mixing quality with quantity.

Once you know these 8 SEO trends for 2022, you are ready to face the beginning of the year and rethink your strategies if there are any of these SEO trends that you have not taken into account until now.

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