HomeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEArtificial Intelligence For Your Business

Artificial Intelligence For Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new technologies that is expanding the most due to its numerous applications.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a new technology that is expanding more because of its many applications in different sectors and areas of companies. Organizations that apply Artificial Intelligence techniques in their processes “will have the ability to synthesize information, learn and offer knowledge at scale,” according to IDC experts. In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about the application of AI in your business.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

First of all, we are going to define what is Artificial Intelligence. AI is a set of technologies that, through computer systems, simulates the processing of the human brain. The combination of these technologies allows processes to be executed or complex problems to be solved autonomously thanks to learning (acquisition of information and rules for the use of said information), reasoning (use of rules to obtain definitive or approximate conclusions), and the AutoCorrect.

It is, in short, a flexible rational agent that perceives its environment and executes various actions with which its chances of success are maximized for a certain objective or task.

Also Read: 5 Applications Of Artificial Intelligence That You Use Everyday

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

This technology has numerous benefits and uses that adapt to any field and the needs of each company. Some of the advantages that companies obtain by including Artificial Intelligence in their business processes are:

Automate processes

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a good example of intelligent technology that enables the automation of a multitude of processes in organizations. In fact, according to the study “Beyond the crisis: How interconnected companies show leadership and resilience”, prepared by Oxford Economics and SAP, RPA is one of the technologies over which companies have prioritized their investments in recent years. three years, along with others such as AI, IoT, or predictive analytics.

With the implementation of RPA software in organizations, integrated into their respective digital transformation strategies, it is achieved:

  • Accuracy and speed: accuracy and consistency in repetitive tasks so that employees can dedicate themselves to others of greater value to the company.
  • Operational efficiencies, (available 24 × 7 365 days a year) since by automating certain processes, human errors are avoided, and economic (cost reduction).
  • Scalability and security: safely increasing robots according to the growth of operations.

Increase productivity

Closely related to the previous section, it is important to note that AI and machine learning help to optimize, complement and facilitate the work of employees and companies as a whole. They achieve this by supporting decision-making, discovering information that until then had not been analyzed, and providing quality knowledge to contribute decisively to increasing business profitability.

Due to the automation of the processes, the productivity of the employees is improved. They dedicate the time of their working day to tasks of high added value for the organization: analysis, design, planning, etc. In this way, they have a greater capacity to make better decisions, at the same time that innovation is favored.

Also Read: Data Insights: Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Analyze data

We live in the age of data and companies need to rely on it to know in real-time what is happening in the market to make the best strategic decisions. Through Big Data, companies collect a large amount of data that they must process and analyze to make the most accurate decisions close to the customer. Thanks to the use of these technologies, processes, and costs are optimized.

Encourage innovation

When organizations successfully implement AI in business management, in addition to seeing simplified decision making, employees have the opportunity to develop their creativity, a term associated with greater innovation, growth, and process optimization. It should be noted at this point that Artificial Intelligence complements and facilitates the work carried out by employees to achieve a common goal.

In turn, the successful implementation of AI in organizations brings disruption because it acts as a platform to develop tools and solutions, taking creativity to very high levels.

Improve the relationship with customers

The use of intelligent chatbots digital channels helps provide customers a compelling experience at different stages of the journey of the consumer. Answering users’ questions, offering real-time advice on products or services, making sound recommendations, and providing a responsive 24-hour service are just some of the advantages of these virtual assistants.

In this sense, they act as an always-active customer service channel that has all the training and experience of the organization, as well as being prepared at all times to proactively serve the customer, regardless of the sector to which it belongs, is based on the factors that most affect you in each case according to your profile and need. With these AI-based chatbots, we proceed to automate the attention to users and customers in transactional processes and, at the same time, they are a guarantee of homogeneity of the service.

The Artificial Intelligence application is also accompanied by an improvement in the customer experience. An example is the adaptation and customization of the product offer for customers based on their tastes and interests based on the knowledge of their behavior and their offline and online life cycle. Thus, when customers’ behavior is understood, they are offered the right products through the right channels at the right time. In this line, predicting and anticipating the needs of customers seems essential in organizations to improve the relationship with them, increase sales and finally achieve their loyalty.

Learn from mistakes

With Artificial Intelligence, and as long as the system has been properly trained, the data can be processed without errors, regardless of the size of the data set. In addition, these machines become more intelligent thanks to continuous learning (Machine Learning). In this sense, they can identify patterns of decision-making failures and record them so that the next time they do not happen again and efficiency at the business level is greater.

All these advantages reflect the relevant role that Artificial Intelligence has acquired in the digital transformation processes of organizations, actively contributing to the improvement of strategy and processes.

Also Read: State Of The Art Of Artificial Intelligence In 2021

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