Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.

Branding And SEO: Google Favours Brands With Recognition

Branding and SEO are strategies that work simultaneously, managing to promote brands on immeasurable scales. Yes, they go hand in hand. Although SEO generates organic traffic, it can also strengthen branding, increasing brand awareness. You may not fully understand the...

10 Google Chrome Extensions You Must Have

Google Chrome is, for many, the best search engine out there today: it's very fast, it's very intuitive, it's easy to use, etc. But, after all, they all serve the same purpose. They all allow you to search the...

What Are The Benefits Of Being On YouTube?

Those who have followed in YouTube's footsteps from the beginning know all the steps the platform has taken over time to improve its service. If we have already gone through several significant milestones - such as the arrival of streaming...

4 Things You Need To Know About A Mobile Business Card

So you’re starting a business- exciting times, right? You have got everything figured out, and you are just simply excited to take off and achieve your long-time dream of becoming a successful business person. Going through it, you want to...

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of E-commerce?

Commerce is a transaction between different entities, usually resulting in the sale of products or services of a Company. Thanks to technological developments, this transaction is now frequently done online. We then speak of e-commerce. The covid crisis has...

The New Devices That Will Drive Zuckerberg’s Metaverse

Although we are far from the virtual worlds that science fiction stories propose, in 2022, the metaverse development continues to seduce technology enthusiasts. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, has presented the devices that will be necessary to access and...