Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.

How To Do Digital Marketing On Google For Free

Talking about free is always relative since, from the moment you dedicate time to an activity, you spend it since your time is worth money. If you want to do digital marketing on Google for free by investing only...

What Is Microsoft Viva?

Within the products and business solutions that Microsoft has been incorporating into its catalogue, the tools to facilitate productivity and coordination between employees have taken a leading role in improving the performance and organization of workers. Today we start...

What Are KPIs, And How Can They Help You In Project Management

When we face a project, KPIs are fundamental to our good management. Do you know what they are and how to use them? "What cannot be measured cannot be managed" The key performance indicators or KPI for its acronym in...

5 SEO Mistakes To Avoid To Position Your Services

As a website owner, it's easy to make SEO mistakes that negatively affect your services' search engine rankings. Fortunately, you can easily detect these errors thanks to the existing SEO agencies, which are responsible for correcting all these types...

Difference Between Domain And Hosting

What is the difference between a domain and Hosting? You must understand that they are two concepts that relate to two very different services but that today continue to raise many doubts. Is a Personal Hosting Plan the same as a...

The Business Applications Of Neural Networks

Neural network software is a type of artificial intelligence software that is used to create and train artificial neural networks. These networks are modeled after the brain and can be used for a variety of applications. Neural network softwares...