Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.

Knowing Some Of The Lesser-Known Uses Of Cryptocurrencies

The declared objective for the creation of bitcoin more than a decade ago was to function as a kind of parallel financial system, in which, apart from institutional control and with voluntary adhesion, citizens could control at least a...

Facebook Smart Glasses Can Get Facial Recognition

Facebook plans to integrate facial recognition technology into its smart glasses. This function can significantly increase the device's visibility; you need to see someone on public transport to explore their Facebook profile. Considering that in this social network there is...

The Role Of AI In Cloud-Based Services

We have already seen the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence when combined with cloud-based services and you are highly likely to be one of the millions around the globe who use this technology on a daily basis. If you ask...

Tips For Creating Youtube Intros

At present, the number of YouTube users is increasing, being one of the most visited web platforms in the world. But what is also growing by leaps and bounds is the number of content producers for this social network....

The Most Anticipated PS5 Games For This Year 2022

We have been in 2022 for a short time, and many are already wondering about the games they will play this year. As many platforms are in operation, we will focus on one with many followers in our country,...

In 2024, What Should You Look For In A Laptop?

You should know what to look for in a laptop before you buy one, whether you like Windows, Mac, or something else entirely. In the year 2024, you should know what to look for and what to stay away...