Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.

The Motherboard Of Your iMac Is Broken; What To Do?

What a hassle! Your iMac systematically refuses to start when you need it every day! You can try to press the power button, but nothing helps. Even if your PC turns on, it shuts down right away. There may be...

Facial Recognition, Is It Secure?

When you unlock your smartphone, you are pleased to have to show your face! You don't need a password; remember a combination of numbers or a complicated geometric figure. You have to put the front camera in front of...

What Is An AI ​​Canvas?

Digital transformations in companies cannot be understood without data processing. The following article talks about the AI ​​Canvas tool, proposed in the book Predictive Machines, to facilitate and succeed in AI projects. The last few years have seen a change...

Big Trends In Marketing For 2022

We must always stay one step ahead. We know how to incorporate the latest developments to help our clients design a successful strategy. So now that the year is ending, we share the significant marketing trends for 2022 that...

The Psychology Of Colour In Web Design

Policyholders charge more for red cars than white cars, urban legend, or reality? What's true in this affirmation? The psychology of colour can help us understand it. It has been studied that colours affect the behaviour of human beings and...

Logistics Management Tips To Shipping Problems

Shipping problems? None. The transport arrives, we load the packages, you sign the loading sheet and that's it. Well, maybe the real problem with the expedition is clearly determining where the expedition really begins and where it ends. When we...