Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.
Machine Learning: 5 Advantages For Your Business
Machine Learning is one of the applications of Artificial Intelligence with which we are more familiar in our daily lives. In addition, it has great potential for organizations, as it is one of the pillars that will support their...
Bug Hunting Or What Spy Devices Are And How To Look For Them
These days bugs are found on various computing devices including laptops and Smartphones etc. But finding these miniature bugs that cannot be seen with naked eyes is not easy unless you have a special device to find them. In...
Dropbox Centralizes Files, Tools, And Teams
Dropbox has introduced a new integrated workspace. This new version of the platform is the biggest change to the user interface that the company has made in its entire history. With updates to the desktop,, and mobile app,...
Inbound Marketing: What It Is And How To Do It For Your Company
How to apply an Inbound Marketing strategy in your company?
Inbound vs Outbound
It is very possible that when reading the term Inbound Marketing we quickly associate it with concepts such as attraction marketing, permission marketing, marketing strategy that respects the...
These Have Been Significant Advances In Cloud Computing
LINKE has presented the main advances in cloud computing that have made it essential in companies' digital transformation strategies on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. And it is that Covid-19 has had a tremendous social and economic impact...
Streaming | Boost Your Digital Presence
Streaming has become one of the most used resources in today's digital marketing world, not only because it generates more engagement but also because it allows you to show yourself to your customers in a closer way. However, to share...