Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.
4 Advantages Of Having A Backup In The Cloud
The increase in the number of cyberattacks has shown the need for security systems that protect companies from the entry of threats. Following recent events, both cybersecurity agencies and governments have insisted on the importance of having backup copies...
Do Apps Work To Clean The Memory And Viruses Of The Mobile?
Although users are more and more familiar with new technologies, there are still doubts about a very important issue such as the supposed apps to clean the mobile and keep it protected. With the infinity of applications of this...
New Effects With Zoom For Your Video Calls
Video calls are becoming more and more prone and used, a resource that became one of the best solutions during the onset of COVID-19. Among the most downloaded applications of 2020, Zoom sneaked in as a revelation for offering us...
How Opera Stands Out From Other Web Browsers
There are many and very varied web browsers that we can find for computers, expanding more and more to mobile phones. However, Google Chrome is one of the leaders in this sector, making Opera with its many options and...
Fix Problems With Your Chromecast Just By Resetting It
Among the most popular gadgets that give life to smart homes, we come across the Google Chromecast, that small device that connects to any television to give it new possibilities without having to make a large outlay to buy...
5 Applications Of Artificial Intelligence That You Use Everyday
Artificial Intelligence, which took its first steps in the universities, soon received the attention needed by businesses and large companies, they said go for their development. Years later, small companies also joined, making this branch of knowledge indispensable in...