Technology Comics is an online technology magazine. Our aim is to provide the valuable information about the Gadgets, Business, Apps, Marketing, Reviews, Technology news, trends and updates to our readers.
Securely Set Up Your Google Account In 3 Easy Steps
Google account
Most of the population has a Google account with which they access the different services it offers such as Internet search, Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Drive, Calendar, Google+, Translator, Photos, Blogger, or Hangouts, among others. All these services generate information...
VPN – Connect Through A Secure Port
One of the pillars that supports being able to work remotely is VPN networks, given the insecurity that a private or public network outside the company can cause. While they are not something new, they have seen an increase...
Digitization Is Also A Thing For SMEs
Today there is no company, large or small, that is not aware of the importance of digitization to survive. However, SMEs and family companies still have a lot of work ahead in this regard. Digital transformation. How many times a...
What Is Kodi? What Can We Use It For And How?
Among the most popular applications that exist today, Kodi is one of them. Its multiple possibilities have made it gain a foothold and once again assert open source applications as it happens to this one. An app that has...
Best Cheap Mobile Phones With Wireless Charging
The evolution of batteries in mobile phones does not stop changing, adding options, possibilities, and advantages to users, among which is wireless charging. What before might seem unattainable now more users come with cheap mobiles that have wireless charging...
How To Edit Posted Tweets And Their Limitations On Twitter
Social networks do not stop applying changes to platforms to improve the options and possibilities they give to users. Among the best known and most used is Twitter, which has been asked for the option of editing Tweets without...