Big Data vs. Smart Data, The Data Science That Will Help Your Business

Participation in the digital world has led to a change in the customer and consumer profile. From people who had…

3 years ago

Use Iphone Emojis On Android Mobiles

Among all the possibilities that iPhones offer uniquely and exclusively on iOS, we find the more than well-known emojis. A…

3 years ago

Brands, What Can You Do For Me? Ten Tips For Managing Brands With Empathy

We live in a critical moment in which brands must reaffirm and demonstrate their purposes and role in our lives.…

3 years ago

Brand Equity: What Does The Concept Consist Of, And How Is It Built?

The concept of brand equity is relatively modern, and although it translates as brand equity, it refers to the value…

3 years ago

Advantages Of Gamification In The Classroom

Man does not stop playing because he gets old, but he gets old because he stops playing" (Bernard Shaw) Have…

3 years ago

Artificial Intelligence For Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new technologies that is expanding the most due to its numerous applications. Artificial…

3 years ago

10 Technology Trends For 2021

During 2020 the digital transformation of organizations shot up 70% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the digital transformation…

3 years ago

What Is An Omnichannel And Service Design?

When we are faced with the design or redesign of an omnichannel service process, using Service Design can be the…

3 years ago

Storage History: From Punch Cards To The Cloud

Today we are used to having hyper-developed and high-capacity computer storage, but this was not always the case. Do you…

3 years ago

4 Advantages Of Having A Backup In The Cloud

The increase in the number of cyberattacks has shown the need for security systems that protect companies from the entry…

3 years ago