Differences Between Router And Modem

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a router and a modem? Don’t you know what you have installed in your house? Do not worry! Today we clear all these doubts because we are going to tell you what differentiates a router from a modem :

What is a modem and what is a router?

Characteristics of a modem

The functions of a modem are more basic than those of a router. The modem is simply responsible for modulating and demodulating the Internet signal, that is, it interprets the signal that reaches it, and sends it directly through the telephone line, using an RJ11 cable, to a computer or other peripheral device. Do you remember when you started having the Internet at home? Surely you lived the time when, if you connected to the Internet, you could not talk on the phone. This was precise because, being connected directly to the telephone line, the 9.6 kbps to 56.6 kbps modems used the same frequency as the telephone.

Features of a router

Now that you know what a modem is, we can see the differences it has with a router. The router does not have a direct cable connection to the telephone line and does not interpret the Internet signal, it simply expands it and can send it to more than one device at the same time. That is why, if you have a router, you will need a modem that is responsible for delivering the signal so that the router transmits it to a computer or other device.

Luckily, there are currently modem routers, which we usually refer to only as a router. These are the ones that can be connected directly to the phone and that, in addition, can transmit the signal in a large space to one or more devices through several cable outlets, and of course, through a WiFi connection, always providing the largest width of band possible.

But, in addition, there is a perfect complement to the WiFi router and it is the signal repeater, which can be very useful if you notice that the connection via WiFi loses intensity in certain rooms of your house.

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