HomeAPPSGoogle Maps Has Become A Social Network

Google Maps Has Become A Social Network

As a large and innovative platform, the new Google Maps manages to surprise thousands of users with its latest advancements. Thus, the ideal centre for travellers today becomes a social network, allowing interaction with all users in a simple way.

Undoubtedly, a rather surprising innovation that has catapulted the application to the top of favourites despite its already great recognition. Find out here everything that this new service can offer you. Google Maps is the new social network.

Intended for use on short and long trips and even to find routes closer to work, Google Maps is the most widely used GPS worldwide. In it (and thanks to the interaction of its users), you can find any new or old space, offering a service of the highest quality.

Thus, it was crowned as a constantly improved platform, with minor updates that went unnoticed. But this year, and after requests, the new Google Maps became a trend by incorporating an interaction service between users.

Why this change?

Although it is commonly used to follow routes, this platform has become the reference point for all young travellers. Those who constantly demanded a more dynamic way of interacting with the platform, beyond scoring places or adding new ones.

Its new update as a social network allows users to interact with places and meet more people and read experiences created in different places. Thus increasing downloads, in addition to a complete experience, by showing everything that may await you on the next trip.

How does it work?

The new Google Maps takes already created user accounts and integrates them into a startup system similar to Instagram or Facebook. In it, you can customize each profile, place your favourite photos, a description, and even follow other people.

Like the other social networks, Google Maps is fully configurable, so you can use it as you like and share the content of your choice. Learn about its most relevant changes here:

Profiles or biographies

Although the application could already be accessed through your Google account, the new update allows you to create a profile or biography. In it, your friends will be able to observe any review of the place or content shared with the community to get to know you a little more.

Protecting your privacy

Always thinking of your comfort, the new Google Maps offers you different options so that you can decide who has access to the content you publish, in addition to your information. This helps you enjoy a global platform in a more relaxed way.

Create new content

Google Maps is the new social network trend, implying users need to make themselves known in it. Luckily, this platform allows you to create visual content, uploading photos of the most special places you have visited on your wall.

Meet people

Specially devised to unite people worldwide, this application now allows you to meet those travellers who love to visit your favourite places. But not only that, but you can also follow their activity, learning about all their adventures and walks in real-time.

The routes prevail

Remember that, although it has now established itself as a social hub, the new Google Maps will continue to offer you the service you have become so used to. Thus, you can have your preferred location centre, but with the possibility of sharing your best moments with other people.

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