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How To Optimize LinkedIn To Boost Your Business

With more than 810 million professionals connected, LinkedIn is currently the largest business network in the world. Twenty years after its launch, it is not only crowned as one of the most important social networks in the workplace but has also achieved it in the business sphere. This post explains how to optimize LinkedIn to boost your business.

Although on LinkedIn we can find relevant information about any professional and support for networking, in the case of companies, this platform also has many utilities that can help boost a business. Among them are contributing to generating strategic alliances, helping to segment a target audience for a product/service, giving greater credibility to a brand, finding new business opportunities, promoting products/services, or strengthening branding.

Next, we will offer easy-to-implement tips to help you optimize LinkedIn to boost your company.

1.Associations and strategic alliances on LinkedIn

When it comes to associations and alliances, the most important thing is to be clear from the beginning about what the objective is to be achieved. The answer can never be:” Get more followers.” An alliance must mean some valuable contribution to our business, be it economic, commercial, or communicational.

Some of these goals may be:

  • Reach new audiences that are outside the initial target.
  • Expand the brand’s reach, extending our business, for example, to wholesale sales or increasing a greater territorial extension of the points of sale.
  • Test new possibilities, for example, change the packaging, customize products, or create special editions.

When discussing alliances or associations, you have to plan the strategy behind what you will do very well. In addition, of course, the choice of the influencer or account with which the alliance will be generated must be directly related to the objective to be met.

2. Find new business opportunities on LinkedIn

As the song says, the friends of my friends are my friends. This phrase should be a “must” to generate new business opportunities on LinkedIn. It is not about indiscriminately collecting profiles but about trying to identify the contacts of our contacts who have similarities with us, our business, or our professional sector.

Currently, the platform offers various filters when performing a profile search. So finding like-minded people is just a matter of finding the keywords or knowing how to contact the right groups on LinkedIn.

Also Read: Leaks On Facebook And Linkedin: How Do They Affect Users?

3. The employee branding

Employee brandings are strategies and actions that a company can carry out so that its employees, voluntarily and naturally, become its best digital brand ambassadors while optimizing LinkedIn.

Employee branding is a growing trend since companies have realized the enormous benefits it brings. They are increasingly aware that communication from their employees is much more effective than one from the company itself. Organization. What employees transmit on LinkedIn acquires greater reach because it spreads to other contacts, and these, in turn, can share it among their contacts, achieving greater virality.

Employee-generated content also has another very important aspect: credibility. Indeed, it has been shown that we all trust more in what people like us say -the so-called “peer-to-peer” communication- than in the messages from organizations. In the case of companies, they trust more in what employees or customers say than in what the companies themselves express.

4. Advertising and target audience segmentation on LinkedIn

When an advertising campaign is created on LinkedIn, there are 16 different options with which you can play to find the public most akin to a product/service (sex, age, followers of the company, business sector, types of professionals, etc.) Remember that LinkedIn is mainly a B2B platform, so you must choose the target audience between professionals and companies. For example, LinkedIn can be achieved if you want to reach something as specific as women between the ages of 40 and 50 who work in the construction sector.

LinkedIn also has a powerful search engine, in which it is important to define the keywords if we want to be found. Experts recommend using 3 keywords and 5 secondary ones that can later be checked if they give results in searches.

Compared to other platforms, the disadvantage of LinkedIn is that there is a minimum cost for each click on an ad, so making mistakes can be very expensive. If you have ever advertised on Google or Facebook, you will be surprised that LinkedIn has a minimum of 10 Euros daily spending per campaign. Invest most of the budget in a single campaign to prevent the results from being uncontrollable. It would help if you also used LinkedIn’s tools to review a campaign.

There are 3 ad formats on Linkedin: sponsored content, message ad, or text ad. While all these formats can work, most businesses focus on sponsored content.

The experts recommend creating at least four ads per campaign with different images and text. You can even use the ads in A/B or multivariate tests to see which works best with your audience. The goal is to test as many ads as possible and make decisions based on the data received. The ad one thinks it will work best often differs from what was expected.

5. Measurement on Linkedin

What needs to be measured is not improved, and LinkedIn can be optimized, even in its free version, which offers tools to measure management on the social network. With this data, we can make the necessary adjustments to the strategy.

Some of these measurements can be:

  • Who has seen your profile: it is possible to diagnose if the people who see our profile are the ideal client or similar. You can also keep the statistics of how many people have seen us.
  • Results of content: LinkedIn measures who and how many people have seen content.
  • Search Appearances: This indicator shows in which searches that other people have carried out we have appeared. It exposes the companies, titles, and keywords for which we have appeared.
  • Social Selling Index: This is the kind of indicator, which shows, on a scale from 1 to 100, how well we are doing on LinkedIn. It is classified by 4 variables, and additionally, it compares us with our sector. With this tool, we can see how we have evolved in our interaction with the platform.

LinkedIn is a social network that can contribute much to you both as a professional and your company. Therefore, you should optimize LinkedIn to boost your company, creating your page on this network. The company’s social network is par excellence, with 13 million users. It is a social platform allowing you to do business, research, and analyze the market.

Also Read: The 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Be On Linkedin