HomeAPPSHow To View Word, Excel And Powerpoint Documents On Android Phones

How To View Word, Excel And Powerpoint Documents On Android Phones

There is no greater problem than that of finding ourselves in front of a document that we have on our mobile and yet we cannot open it, something that usually happens with Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files, regardless of who sent it to us by email or how. we have downloaded it. That is why we want to give you the best solutions.

A problem that looks like, but is not the same as the one we face to be able to open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents online without programs on the computer.

This time we will need a series of apps, but free and very easy to get, with which we will not have problems again viewing the files we receive.

Open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents on Android

To carry out the tricks that we are going to show you, it does not matter what brand or model of Android mobile we have.

We only need to have the apps that we will show you and configure them to be able to see the files on the mobile, without an error or problem appearing on the screen and wasting our time.

The fast option, Google Drive

The best method that we have at our disposal and that is already standard in many Android phones to open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files is through Google Drive.

This app not only helps us to save our files in the cloud but also provides us with a quick viewer that serves both for online documents that we try to access with a link or those we have on our mobile.

We only have to configure the app if we have not done it yet on our mobile or in case we do not have it, download Google Drive from Google Play, although today practically all Android terminals incorporate it and offer us this great utility.

With Google Drive, we can also simply edit the document, although it is true that we will have some limitations, something that will not happen with the following options.

The official tools for Android

Other apps that we can use to access all the rebellious files that do not open on our mobile are those created expressly for this.

We come across the official Word, Excel, and Drive app, which offers us the possibility of editing the files on mobile with great possibilities and in a very complete way.

This allows us to take our work anywhere and continue editing on the subway, bus, or when we are waiting on the street.

It will only be necessary to have the file and then synchronize it with our computer through our favorite cloud.

We can download the apps from the following links, making sure that files will be opened from any version of Word by computer:

  • Download the Word app
  • Download the Excel app
  • Download the PowerPoint app

The alternative that opens all files

  • Beyond the tools created by Microsoft, there is an app called WPS Office that is integrated into many standard mobiles, and in others, we will have to download it.
  • It is the perfect fusion of what Google Drive offers with compatibility for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, also allowing advanced editing.
  • We will be able to retouch the files comfortably on our mobile with images, graphics, and all kinds of possibilities.
  • It is an all-in-one for the mobile, which we must not lose sight of if we want to have everything we need in the palm of our hand.
  • It is the most downloaded multifunctional application on Google Play and its ratings support it.
  • Download WPS Office on Android.

Also Read: Free Alternatives To Word To Edit Documents

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