HomeBUSINESSSoftware Maintenance For Companies

Software Maintenance For Companies

The development of custom software has become a fundamental part for the digitization of companies, which improves their online presence and their ability to respond to market changes. However, another key pillar is the maintenance of Business Software and its updating.

Software maintenance is the modification of a Software product after delivery, with the objective of correcting errors, improving performance and other attributes. In other words, companies dedicated to software engineering must undergo modification processes to extend their useful life and improve their characteristics. This process will ensure the resolution of incidents quickly and efficiently and the proper functioning of any company or business thanks to professional support.


There are several types of Software maintenance for the correct operation of companies:

  • Preventive Maintenance: Constantly check the software for problems that may appear in the future.
  • Adaptive maintenance: adapt some functionalities, such as the operating system, hardware, the browser.
  • Predictive maintenance: predicts the occurrence of a problem or failure. This maintenance is useful to know when to make necessary adjustments. The use of Machine Learning can help to predict anomalous behavior in the Software allowing to anticipate problems.
  • Evolutionary maintenance: adaptation is practically mandatory, since, otherwise, the program would become obsolete with the passage of time.
  • Corrective maintenance: it corrects defects in the Software (processing, performance, programming, security or stability) that make the operation not as expected.
  • Perfect maintenance: it is developed when the user requests the addition of new functionalities or characteristics not considered at the time of the Software implementation.

Maintenance process

The implementation process will be as follows:

  • Primary acquisition and delivery processes: agreement of the idea and definition of the need to acquire a software system or product.
  • Main operation process: creation of a report of problems and risks that, after verification, will proceed to carry out maintenance changes.
  • Documentation support processes: control, review and verification of documentation to solve problems.
  • Infrastructure and training management: use of configuration, infrastructure and training management when starting a maintenance project.

What allows the maintenance of Software for companies?

Hiring a service that guarantees the correct maintenance of the Software of the companies brings multiple advantages :

Optimize resources and get the most out of them so that the Software performs at its maximum potential, thus avoiding its degradation.

Stop the stops! With good software maintenance services, your company will be able to work without interruptions and, therefore, increase productivity by not wasting time in solving various problems and security risks that appear in computer equipment (viruses, installation of new applications) .

Equipment failures, bad connections, loss of information or incidents will be avoided, so there will be fewer interruptions and maximum efficiency in the company.

The professional support will previously detect possible failures or errors that will identify the problem in time and provide a solution as soon as possible.

Cost reduction and financial savings by keeping equipment in perfect condition and at full capacity. Your company will have IT professionals who will guarantee continuous supervision and maintenance, avoiding serious problems.

Software maintenance will help to achieve an adequate computing advance for the company against the competition . And, thanks to this service, a business can go ahead of its main competitors without wasting time.

Changes in the software in order to correct defects found during its use or for the addition of new functionalities that improve the usability and applicability of the Software.

System maintenance

Technologies and computing are constantly evolving and changing, so migrating and upgrading to the latest versions is essential to ensure optimal quality and performance in the long term.

Hire a Software maintenance service

you will find a wide range of technological services so that your project covers the complete Software development cycle making use of all the methodologies that will lead to an effective final result:

  • Custom Software Development: if you need custom computer development for your project and with a specific language, we have qualified computer programmers for it. We analyze the needs to categorize the domain of the solution. Backend, frontend, iot, data science, big data, business intelligence.
  • App development: if your business needs to have an app, we take care of conducting a personalized study and preparing the best app design and development strategy to achieve the objectives.
  • Web portal development: we help you create and develop a different web portal in the face of the competition and that, in addition, meets the objectives of your company. We take care of your projects from a strategic and compromising perspective.
  • Hosting and computer support: we provide Hosting and computer support services in order to create a space on a server where you can store files and data necessary for your website to function properly.
  • Web domain: having your own web domain is essential for your website to be successful. We look for the name that can represent you and then link it to a professional email.
  • Corporate email: we create and maintain a Professional Email linked to your domain. You will be able to manage your company through your brand name , with which you will give more visibility and offer an image of responsibility and commitment.
  • Ecommerce: we are the ideal partner for those businesses that have not yet digitized the sale of their products or that simply want to increase their visibility in the electronic market through an Ecommerce.
  • UX / UI design: we design your idea in an original and creative way through various colors and elements. We create logos, images and develop projects based on the objectives and tastes of the company with enthusiasm and innovation.
  • Big Data: we help our clients design secure technological infrastructures and develop Big Data solutions to transform data into business value.
  • Technical training: do you want to learn any computer language or software technology? We provide services so that you or your workers can train in the area of ​​software technologies .
  • Technology consulting: any company needs to digitally transform to improve competitiveness and production . We are capable of transforming your company, providing new and innovative ideas, based on technology, to make all your business processes profitable.
  • SEO positioning: we study the best SEO strategy to gain search engine positioning, visibility and quality audience . These three factors will drive your business towards growth and positive results.
  • Digital Marketing: design and develop your online business managing the Digital Production, Purchase Programmatic, SEO, SEM, Social Media, Advertising Offline , Online Advertising , Design, Media, Marketing Campaigns online.
  • Web optimization: we improve the development of a web page in order to give a good SEO positioning, generate traffic and obtain a greater reach.

Therefore, opting for a Software maintenance service for companies will keep the computer equipment updated and in correct operation, in addition to having the advice of professionals when it is needed. This means that your business can stay ahead of the competition and allows you to keep up to date with changes in the IT and technology sector.

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