HomeTECHNOLOGYThe Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Education

The Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Education

The play has a fundamental role in the integral development of children. Modern pedagogy resorts to this type of activity for educational purposes to motivate children to learn in a more enjoyable environment. Do you want to know what the benefits of applying games in teaching are?

“They were teaching with delight”, as they say so that children learn better and faster since they do it without stress and in a fun way. Nowadays, it has become an educational goal in its own right, and there is no need to instrumentalize it; it is enough for children to play freely for them to learn. But what are the reasons why play is so important in Early Childhood Education?

Advantages of applying the game in Early Childhood Education

Causes well-being and freedom of expression

When children play in a classroom, they are happier, and that makes them feel good. Children are in one of the best stages of their life. When you are minor, you do not perceive the problems of the adult world, and you are more innocent. Without a doubt, this stage is the ideal one to increase the dose of play.

Encourage social skills

Play, when accompanied by other students, encourages interaction among all children and helps develop social skills. In a game, children can experience a wide variety of expressions such as anger or sadness, and knowing how to control them is part of the educational process.

Responsibilities and judgment are acquired

In all games, participants must make decisions that will vary the outcome of the game. Learning to think before acting and taking responsibility for, when finished, assuming the consequences will be essential for proper development.

Increases maturity and prepares them for the future

Another advantage has to do with maturity. When children play, they develop skills such as observation, analysis, critical thinking, and many others that, when they grow up, they will have to apply in their day to day life.

Help them explore the world around them

There are many types of games. You can play in the classroom, on the patio, go to a park or a forest. The ideal is to combine the environments with exploring all the realities that exist and know how to function in multiple areas.

Develop imagination and creativity

Imagination and creativity are skills that, the sooner they are developed, the better. When we are adults, it is often difficult for us to think of creative and original projects, and these competencies tend to be enhanced during the first years of life.

Help to understand

Understanding why something is one way and not another is fundamental in any person. Understanding the consequences of your actions, the current world or people is essential for children to have optimal growth.

Encourage freedom of expression.

Another advantage of applying the game in Early Childhood Education is that children can exchange opinions and express themselves as they are, thus enhancing freedom of expression.

Six fundamental aspects of children’s personality

According to Josué Llull, professor at the University of Alcalá and author of «Children’s play and its methodology», recreational activities contribute to the development of 6 fundamental aspects of children’s personality:


By applying the game in Early Childhood Education, children’s physical strength and muscle development are increased, as well as helping to synchronize movements, improving gestural precision and language.


The game helps develop the intellect and understand different situations to anticipate events and solve problems. Consequently, the ability to strategize to reach a goal is also fostered.


It will always depend on the type of game chosen, but most recreational activities stimulate the imagination, promote symbolic thinking and develop manual skills.


The assimilation and maturation of the situations experienced are promoted, and it helps to overcome those that may be traumatic.


Games help to learn social and coexistence rules and involve children in imaginary situations created and maintained collectively.


When children play, they usually imitate reference models of the social context in which daily life unfolds. Depending on different factors such as geographical area, weather conditions or historical time, they will imitate some things or others.

The methodology of most nursery schools today is inclined towards a freer pedagogy, which does not force the development of the little ones and encourages all these values ​​with games and recreational activities as the primary tool for developing their intelligence.

Early Childhood Education is a very vocational sector. If you like children and help them develop their values ​​and skills, you can choose to study Early Childhood Education. In addition, if you have several options to take this FP, you can do it blended in the morning or blended in the afternoons and online.

Also Read: Advantages Of Gamification In The Classroom