HomeGADGETSThe Ten Commandments Of The Right Computer

The Ten Commandments Of The Right Computer

To be considered a good computer scientist, you should remember and follow the following ten commandments as much as possible.

1. You will use the original software

You should not use pirated software, among other things, for ethical and legal reasons, as you may face heavy penalties if you do so.

Another reason not to do so is that pirated software can cause a security breach and put your personal information at risk.

Additionally, this software cannot be updated. It may stop working when new versions are released, and any patch will not fix potential security vulnerabilities.

2. You will install a good antivirus

To increase the security of your computers and files, installing a quality antivirus will be necessary, allowing you to detect and eliminate malware quickly and safely.

There are free options, although paid ones will generally have more features and provide greater security.

3. You will regularly apply security updates

Updating the operating system you work with is essential to reduce risks and reinforce the security of your computers.

Likewise, new versions usually bring with them new functions and other aesthetic or design innovations.

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4. You will make backup copies in the cloud

You can back up your files to external hard drives or other devices, but they may be damaged, and you may lose all your information.

Therefore, the ideal is to hire a cloud backup service that makes a copy of your files from time to time so that you can recover them in case of a severe incident.

Another advantage is that you can access your important documents and files from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection.

5. You will encrypt sensitive information

If you work with documents or files with sensitive information, you can use tools to encrypt them and establish a PIN or other authentication methods to ensure secure access.

6. You will work with the best possible hardware

Indeed, occasionally, you must use software that consumes many resources on your computer.

For this reason, you must work with a powerful computer that allows you to perform your tasks quickly and fluidly.

It may also be convenient to use a suitable monitor or several simultaneously to improve your workflow by consulting several applications simultaneously.

7. You will take care of your equipment

Treat your devices with care; thus, you will achieve better performance and last longer.

Try to wear them protected to avoid unnecessary blows, and remember to clean them from time to time.

Another recommendation that can help you work better is to organize your workspace.

Keeping it organized will help you find what you seek more efficiently, improving your comfort and performance.

8. You will update your knowledge periodically

The world of computing is constantly evolving, so it is very important to continue studying and taking courses to avoid being left behind.

9. You will be informed of the news in software and hardware

Keeping up to date with the latest developments in your sector is highly recommended.

Knowing the latest versions of the operating systems with which you work and the most relevant devices on the market is essential for a good computer scientist.

10. You will cultivate your patience

You should keep in mind that some people have almost no computer skills and, if they do, it will be more limited than yours.

Therefore, you must be patient if they need your help because what is simple for you can be very complicated for some people.

Also Read: How To Setup And Configure Your Computer

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