The Digital Marketing sector has grown rapidly this last year due to the high demand for the use of digital channels that facilitated the consumption of products and services, as well as the closing of businesses and contracts, during confinement. This behavior drove a series of marketing trends that will enter with force next 2021 and that are fundamental for the economic growth of any company and sector. For this reason, we expose you to the main ones.
Marketing has always been a very broad, innovative, and constantly renewed field. 2021 will be a year that will pay special attention to the level of your company’s digital strategy, because of the current situation; the new normal, and the 100%digital consumer. To achieve the objectives of your strategy and differentiate your brand, it is necessary to be up to date and know all the trends, tools, and ideas that arise over time, thus dedicating the efforts of your team to develop an optimal and effective action plan.
Combining digital, analog, and physical channels to interact with customers is the strongest and most relevant trend. Currently, the different digital platforms that are used day by day, for consumer consumption and entertainment, are increasingly interconnected and the new technology that accentuates this change with more enthusiasm is 5G, which has already begun to be implemented, but which will acquire more prominence in 2021 since it allows working with larger formats at the audiovisual level: images and video. What will drive the creation of more visual and attractive campaigns, as well as the integration of video as a standard within email marketing? What will promote the interest of the clients and the quality of the contents? Ultimately, 5G will optimize speed, formats, and content marketing.
The acceleration of digital transformation has been evident during the coronavirus health crisis, causing many companies to choose to hold digital events and online training. This strategy will continue to be one of the main trends in digital marketing in 2021. Online training and events promote the interest and loyalty of customers and partners, no matter where they are. However, going from a physical event to a digital is not an easy task and getting the attention of the target audience is a challenge, so the key is not to copy your face-to-face events, instead, create an entire experience for the participants; unique, interesting and enjoyable.
Marketing for 2021 points above all towards a change in the relationships between the brand and the user. The CRM is the fundamental tool that facilitates the exercise of interconnection and communication between the company and its public, it is also a complement to all email marketing campaigns since it accelerates the interest and desire of the client, enhancing their journey to close the purchase. The CRM helps to optimally manage the number of inbound leads and establish lead scoring processes, adapting the demands and preferences of users. Likewise, it is a useful sales enablement tool. to capture and mature potential leads; helping the acquired leads enter a sales cadence automatically, in this way it is possible to minimize work overload and improve the speed of interaction with customers.
As we have already mentioned, this year the figure of the 100% digital consumer was strengthened, with high demand for purchases through digital channels. This causes investment in technology to improve the digital experiences of consumers, personalizing marketing actions, humanizing content, working on empathy, and promoting brand trust. The consumer demands self-service and convenience, which leads to automation. For this, it is essential to know the buyer person, thus generating a correct first impact and that they enter the company’s database. It is the DATA that will help create unique and personalized experiences for the digital consumer. The “customer data platform” type tools have technology “machine learning ” which will allow you to create and manage a highly personalized customer journey, as it segments consumer habits and behavior creating effective and relevant messages.
2021 will welcome the use of artificial intelligence and automation within all professional areas. In Marketing, they become the perfect couple to optimize digital advertising campaigns to increase conversions by personalizing content according to the target audience. It will be more important to reduce the number of campaigns, create quality and attractive content to have more data pooled. 2021 invites companies to invest in AI to save costs and accelerate growth, as well as to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Programmatic advertising has been a trend in recent months and it is an advertising technique in which the advertiser buys the audiences and not the spaces, as is the case with traditional advertising. That is, the company, which would be the advertiser, chooses the audience it wants to target, segmenting the multiple details of its profile: tastes, interests, demographics, preferences, and orientations, etc. This trend will grow and its use will spread in most online platforms, so companies will increasingly use this technique for decision making and data analysis according to the impact of the content they deliver and will deliver to the selected audience…
Social media handles everything from advertising, audience targeting, and content creation, to customer engagement and lead attraction. The different formats offered by social networks are increasingly used in different business sectors, B2B, B2C, or C2B.
The stories or fleets, present today in all social channels, have changed how content is created, in which it is consumed and in the interaction between brand and consumer. Dynamizing social relationships and giving prominence to creativity and closeness between interpersonal relationships.
Another major trend in which companies and brands have been involved has been Tik-Tok, which has incorporated a self-service advertising platform, allowing advertisers to launch campaigns and access metrics and reports. How does Facebook, Linked In and Instagram do it.
On the other hand, WhatsApp “Business” has been a triumphant option of the popular instant messaging application that has allowed the immediate connection between customer and seller. Thanks to the possibility of creating a commercial profile within the application, companies can indicate their address, website, opening hours, establish their vision and mission, as well as the services they offer, this makes sellers have direct contact with the client and that your company has an additional and effective communication channel, either for customer service or to offer services and products quickly. A new way of communication that has revolutionized the sales process in 2020 and that will continue with more force in 2021.
Teleworking will probably continue to be the preferred modality for many companies and workers in 2021. This is why companies must incorporate monitoring and measurement systems to demonstrate and control the correct performance of the work team dedicated to marketing campaigns and projects. In recent months the digital transformation had great importance and progress, thus creating productivity measurement systems for workers, or teleworking software, and strengthening project managers, optimizing the acquisition of objective and precise data in real-time, of the activities and projects of the workers. Because for effective continuous improvement, it is necessary to measure results. In addition, these systems guarantee that your company complies with the teleworking law, in force since September 2020.
Take note and prepare your digital strategy!
These are the marketing trends that will be presented in 2021. So get the most out of your digital campaigns, succeed in your practice by applying the ones that best suit your goals, and obtaining satisfactory results as satisfied customers.