What Elements Are Essential In A Digital Workspace?

As a result of the event “Digital Workplace: This is how the future works”, we told you our vision about the Digital Work Space and how it optimizes work and internal processes in companies.

A digital workspace aims to promote a more innovative and more flexible way of working. Still, to create one, it is essential to integrate a series of crucial components, which we will detail below.

Application and desktop virtualization

One of the main advantages of the term “space” is that our work is no longer tied to the traditional physical workplace. In this sense, virtual work desks and micro-applications are essential to be able to access a digital workspace.

With the virtualization of work desktops and business-critical applications, we can quickly and securely manage and access desktops from anywhere and on any device. It is no longer necessary to link our workstation to a specific physical computer. It allows IT departments to simplify managing and securing applications, devices, users and networks.

Space to share files and collaborate

In the day-to-day life of a company, files and information are shared internally through multiple channels. E-mails, USB sticks and hard drives, servers, external services. This diversity of media makes it difficult to control the flow of information and manage private business data.

In a Digital Workspace, it is essential to offer a space to share files and collaborate, simplifying collaboration inside and outside the organization without the IT department losing control at any time over who can access, synchronize and share files.

It is a perfect solution to:

  • Simplify access to saved data in any location, even on legacy file servers.
  • Protect the most critical documents and data of the company.
  • Automate and digitize workflows.

Also Read: Digitization Is Also A Thing For SMEs

Unified endpoint management

The more solutions we use to manage endpoints, the more complex the process becomes and the more difficult it is to react quickly or be proactive in preventing threats.

Our digital workspace solution simplifies endpoint management with Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). In this way, we can port corporate resources with micro-VPN capabilities, adding a layer of encryption policies that collect data from users, applications and devices to report actions and activities.

Secure access to SaaS applications

On average, an employee uses 36 different services to complete their work, and a large portion of these services are SaaS applications. On many occasions, employees follow bad practices such as repeating passwords or other actions that endanger the security of the environment and the company. With a unified access control solution for the entire digital workspace, we can improve the safety and experience for users and the IT department.

A digital workspace solution empowers the IT department with information and control of how users interact with applications to protect the user from data leakage better, restricting users’ actions.

Secure Internet browsing

To guarantee digital workspace security, it is necessary to have a Secure Browsing Service that isolates users’ web browsing. In this way, we can prevent browser-based attacks, offer secure and consistent remote access to web applications hosted on the Internet and

  • Ensure that no file or data reaches the corporate network.
  • Delete all session data when the session ends, including browsing history, cache, logins, and cookies.
  • Malware attacks can only reach the remote and temporary browser.
  • Include additional controls like Cut / Copy / Paste restrictions and URL filtering.

Also Read: How To Use Web-based Live Chat For Better Business Results

Secure Digital Perimeter

A digital workspace is also a safe workspace. This is possible thanks to an autonomous closed-loop system that dynamically adjusts the environment’s security, creating a secure digital perimeter for your company.

User behaviour security:

  • Prevent internal threats and data breach attacks.
  • Track and model individual user behaviours across the company.
  • Identify and add risk behaviours in risk profiles.

Application security:

  • Protect applications from external attacks.
  • Track, access and classify applications according to risks.
  • Suggest mitigation steps to optimize security.

Data security:

  • Prevent internal threats and data breach attacks.
  • Track the security of confidential files.

Single sign-on (SSO)

As employees, we use many services to work, but managing them is a challenge for both the IT department and us. With the single sign-on or SSO, we will consolidate all these accounts under the same umbrella, improving our user experience and security by reducing the management of passwords.

Guided and automated workflows with AI

A digital workspace is a solution that seeks to improve the employee experience so that the employee is more productive and can work better. Automating repetitive workflows and unifying them in a single intelligent interface allows employees to:

  • Have immediate access to work data and applications.
  • Have quick and unified access to the notifications, perceptions or actions that as an employee we must perform, perform them from the same interface without having to waste more time.
  • Have access to relevant content and essential business data thanks to the integrated virtual assistant.

So when working with automated and guided workflows, We accelerate decision-making and management of administrative tasks.

Also Read: Guidelines For Effective Leadership In Teleworking

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